Dr. Martin van Schaik

Symposia and Workshops      |      Radio and Television


Symposia and Workshops

[1]  Die gesellschaftliche und musikalische Funktion der Harfe in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, International Symposium “Grundlagenforschung historische Harfen”, Basel, October, 1986.

[2]  The Symbolic Meaning of Musical Instruments in Medieval Psalm Illumination, Colloquium of the Department of Musicology and Colloquium of Medieval Studies, Utrecht University, February and March, 1989.

[3]  Het belang van de Princeton Index of Christian Art voor muziekwetenschap, Symposium of the Princeton Index of Christian Art, Utrecht University, February, 1991.

[4]  Die Bedeutung des “Princeton Index of Christian Art” für die Musikikonographie des Mittelalters, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Imago Musicae – Internationale Tagung zur Musikikonographie: Musikkultur im Spiegel der bildenden Kunst, Hamburg, August, 1991.

[5]  New developments of European student exchange in music and musicology, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London, September, 1991.

[6]  The Harp Cover in the Middle Ages, International Historical Harp Symposium of the Utrecht Early Music Festival, August, 1992.


[7]  Vom Status der Harfe im Tristan-Roman Gottfrieds von Strassburg, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, October, 1992.

[8]  Die soziale Stratifikation der Spielleute im Mittelalter, Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, November, 1992.  

[9]  New Developments in Music Iconography, Colloquia of the Department of Musicology, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, March, 1994.                    

[10]  Harp Illuminations in a Biblical Context, European Harp Symposium 1995, Arion Foundation, Amsterdam, August, 1995.

[11]  Sparen of geld vergaren: subsidieproblemen in de wetenschap, Colloquium Belangenvereniging AIO’s-OIO’s (BAU), Central Building, Utrecht University, June, 1996.


[12]  Harpen van steen: Kunstobject of statussymbool, Annual Meeting of the Dutch Harp Foundation, Doorn, October, 1996.  

[13]  Cycladische harpbeeldjes in musicologisch perspectief, Annual Meeting of the Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, Utrecht, November, 1996.

[14]  Ancient Marble Harp Figurines: The Search for a Stratified Context, Congress of the International Musicological Society (IMS), Study Session of Music Iconography, Imperial College, London, August, 1997.

[15]  Das Problem der Echtheit der kykladischen Harfenspielerbilder, 9th International Symposium of the Study Group on Music Archaeology, Michaelstein, Blankenburg, May, 1998.

[16]  The Development of the Water Bird’s Head on Stringed Instruments in the Greek Region, ICTM 9th meeting of the Study Group of Music Iconography, Dion (Greece), September, 1998.

[17]  The meaning of music archaeology for ancient and medieval music history, Workshop at the Academy of Music, Athens, September, 1999.

[18]  De harp in de oudheid: schakel tussen hemel en aarde, Colloquium at the Exhibition ‘Myths, People and Music’ at the Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam, February, 2000.

[19]  Muziek in de oudheid: expressie van mythe tot werkelijkheid, Alumnidag 2000, Faculty’s Day of Utrecht University, April, 2000.

[20]  The Heritage of Terpandros of Lesbos in Medieval and Renaissance Music Theory, International Conference of Teprandros: His role in the development of the Ancient Greek Music, Municipality of Eressos-Antissa, Lesbos (Greece), August, 2000.

[21]  The Dutch Approach to Music Research, Workshop of Music Archaeology and Iconography, Convento di Carmo, Lisboa, February, 2002.

[22]  The Stringing of Medieval Instruments, Workshop on Medieval Musical Instruments, Museum of Musical Instruments, Prague, June, 2002.

[23]  Did Cycladic Harps Really Exist?, 8th World Harp Congress, University of  Geneva, July, 2002.

[24]  The Exchange of Musical Knowledge, Conference on Music in Ancient Israel/Palestine, Leucora Foundation, Martin Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, November, 2002.

[25]  Iconography as a Help Discipline for Music Archaeology, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid, February, 2004. 

[26]  Die Harfe im alten Europa, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte sowie Mittelalter- und Neuzeitarchäologie & Institut für Musikwissenschaft, Universität von Innsbruck, June, 2005. 

[27Muziek in Bourgondisch Brabant. Summer Course Bourgondisch Brabant of the Senior Academy Brabant, University of Tilburg, held in the Old Abbey of Drongen (near Gent, Belgium), July, 2006.

[28]  The Presumed Harp-Lyre Transformation in Ancient Greece: Some Socio-Cultural Aspects, 5th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology: Challenges and Objectives in Music Archaeology, Ethnologisches Museum der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, September, 2006.




Contributions to Radio and Television Programs

- Interview: Water Organs in Ancient Greece. Radio program “A4 Praatpaal” NCRV, 6 March 1999.

Contributor of the documentary Music of Ancient Greece. ABC Television (Lesbos, Greece), 26 and 27 August 2000.

- Interview: The Authenticity of Early Music Concerts. Radio program “A4 Praatpaal” NCRV, 29 September 2001.

- Interview: The Oldest Flute in the World. Radio program  “Viertakt”, NPS, 13 December 2004.

- Interview: The Reconstruction of the Ice Age Ivory Flute from Blaubeuren. Radio program “Viertakt”, NPS, 17 December 2004.






Dutch Study Group on Ancient and Medieval Music 

Galapagos 2 | NL-3524 JX Utrecht | Netherlands







Martin van Schaik